15 September 2021, Quebec – Geosapiens and Hydro Météo have teamed up to provide a complete solution for operational flood management to Quebec municipalities. Hydro Météo seeks to contribute its experience in river monitoring and hydrometeorological forecasting with Geosapiens, a company specializing in the development of technological solutions for flood risk simulation and mapping. Hydro Météo will be responsible for distributing the E-NUNDATION solution in Quebec as part of this collaboration.
"We are thrilled to be working with Hydro Météo. This collaboration is ideally aligned with our mission to innovate in order to assist our community in becoming more flood resilient," said Hachem Agili, Geosapiens' President and CEO.
"By having rapid access to accurate and up-to-date information, we will be able to help our clients detect and mitigate risks," noted Pierre Corbin, President and Chief Operating Officer of Hydro Météo.
E-NUNDATION is an online platform that delivers real-time flood mapping and predictions, as well as assessments of flood impacts on citizens, buildings, and essential infrastructure. E-NUNDATION is a decision-making tool for crisis managers and civil security coordinators that was created as a result of several years of research and development at INRS. The platform is used to avoid hazards, while improving the effectiveness of emergency responses. It's also a great tool for conveying information about potential dangers and promoting public awareness.
Municipalities in Quebec will have access to a one-of-a-kind flood management solution thanks to the integration of Hydro Météo's hydro-meteorological forecasting data with E-NUNDATION. It comes equipped with the cartographic display of Hydro Météo's hydrological projections, as well as the detail of possible consequences on the area up to 7 days ahead.
This collaboration is the result of research and pilot project execution in conjunction with Quebec municipalities, including the city of Rigaud and towns in the Joliette region.
About Geosapiens
Geosapiens is a Quebec-based company that specializes in flood risk assessment and management. Its goal is to help strengthen society's resilience to climate threats by developing geospatial data-driven technology solutions. Geosapiens strives to deliver trustworthy and easy-to-use decision support tools to the public, as well as companies from both the public and private sectors, to assist them in better understanding, preventing, and managing these risks. Visit www.geosapiens.ca to learn more.
About Hydro Météo
Hydro Météo is a hydrometeorological forecasting service with over 25 years of expertise in predicting and responding to diverse meteorological and hydrological threats. As a pioneer in spring flood forecasting and management in Quebec, the company assists several communities, civil security agencies, and organizations. Hydro Météo also has experience with hydrology, ice thinning to prevent ice jams, severe weather monitoring, and telemetry instruments. Visit www.hydrometeo.net to learn more.
Hachem Agili, President and CEO
Geosapiens 418 271-3266, hachem@geosapiens.ca
Sophie Latreille, General Manager
Hydro Météo
450 755-4635 ext. 309, slatreille@hydrometeo.net
Jimmy Jolicoeur
418 573-8105, jjolicoeur@goimago.com